Monday 30 November 2015


Work experience

Mother Come Home

For work experience I am working at Special effect makeup technician for the grad film 'Mother Come Home'  I am also photographing the make up and sfx. I was hired after I photographed myself and the friends I did the make up for Halloween. This is the make up I have done so far.

These are various things that I have done on set and what I have been hired to do, I will be taking more photographs but the only time I have been on set was for the test shoot so that was for makeup and lighting. When we get onto set I will be taking more and when I need to  test makeup. 

Final product

These are images of my final. A leather cased book with a translucent cover over the front and the back.

the top of the film strips its unfocused, It was not till the image was printed that I realised how bad the quality was. It there was enough time I would change it but as there is no longer time to address this I will have to leave it.

120 and 35mm film

The last of my film. I forgot to include these before I wrote about making the book. 
When I finally processed the 120mm black and white film I wished i had done more. The images are exactly what I was looking for, its a shame the colour didn't work. 
the third image along was taken by Josie Evans when we went out for a drive, I asked her to take the shot and composed myself. There are other images I took whilst out on the drive but they are scenery shots and had nothing to do with the project. That day I finally laughed, the first time in a long time, i had to include this image. 

If i was to continue this project I would strictly use medium format film.  

Professional futures

In second year for professional futures I emailed a photographer that I was really interested in and had been for years, i was surprised to get a response but sadly he could only be reached the week after the hand in.

I stayed in contact with him and interviewed him anyway as it was a once in a lifetime opportunity to talk to someone that was on of the main reason I has such an interest in camera-less photography. i couple of weeks ago he emailed and mentioned that we has holding a talk at the V&A and asked if i would be interested in going. I went along and was able to listen to him talk about fin art photography which is one of the main genres of photography I am interested in. 

Some info as to what the talk was about. 
Thinking about what i want to do after university I realised my interest in fine art photography is one this that not only am I confident in but I enjoy doing. I am looking into ways to work in this genre (even if that is mainly entering competitions). I am still interested in archiving and curating but fine art photography is my main goal. 

Diary 4

These are the video diary's that I made, after this one I stopped recording myself as i found it hard to look back at them. Although my original idea was to cut up various clips of me and possibly use stills of the video diary's i found it incredibly hard to look back at them and thats why i will not be using them. It is a shame because I am incredibly vulnerable in these and they actually show what I am going through and you can hear my voice shaking and how tired I become later and later throughout the vlogs, I am just not comfortable with people seeing this side of me. Written word is the way i have chosen how to vent as people can't see me but I'm still communicating how i feel, plus is it extremely blunt and emotionless, this means people can read it how ever they please and take their own views of it.

diary 3